Manual setup & adjustment
Navigate to Settings>Detection>SD Test/Man. setup. When a shot is fired, the sound waveform is printed on-screen. Press LEFT or RIGHT to cycle through adjustable parameters and press SELECT to edit a parameter
To register a shot, a sound wave must be above (Threshold) for exactly (Window ± Window tolerance) number of samples and enough time (Dead time) must have already passed since last detected shot.
- Threshold (THR): intensity level above which the sound wave must be to make a detection. This setting controls the baseline
sensitivity - determines which sound waves are even considered as potential shots.
- Window (WIND): exact number of samples (length of time) for which the sound wave must stay above threshold to make a detection (no more, no less).
- Window tolerance (WnT): Tolerance to window value. When set, the number of samples above threshold can be higher or lower
than set by the Window setting and still make a detection.
This, along with the Window setting controls the final sensitivity - which sound waves are finally registered as shots.
- Dead time (DT): time in milliseconds for which the detection system will stay inactive after a shot is detected,
to prevent making multiple detections from a single shot. Setting this to '0' disables the dead time function.
Sampling rate control
The sampling rate can be regulated by adjusting the sample length setting (Settings>Detection>SD Sample length). Decreasing sample
length increases sampling rate and makes the detector more sensitive to high frequency vibrations. Increasing sample length
decreases sampling rate and has the opposite effect.
Whether a higher or lower sampling rate is beneficial can be very subjective. Most of the time, this setting does not need to be
changed at all, but if you want to adjust the sampling rate, it is best to try both a high and low value to see which one works best.
Whenever this setting is modified, the setup procedure must be repeated.